If pregnancy has not occurred despite unprotected sexual intercourse for over a year.
Around one in seven couples is involuntarily childless.
The causes can be varied, and infertility doesn’t just affect women. Statistically speaking, the causes are distributed roughly equally between men and women (around 30 percent each). It can also be caused by both partners – this is the case in 15 to 30 percent of affected couples. The data highlights the importance of both partners undergoing screening.
Despite diagnostic tests, in 5 to 10 percent of cases there is no identifiable cause for childlessness.
“The probability depends mainly on the disorder present and the treatment methods chosen. In summary, it can be said that 60 to 80 percent of involuntarily childless couples have the chance of becoming parents through fertility treatment.”
The success rate for pregnancy with simple hormone treatment in conjunction with insemination is between 10 and 15 percent per cycle. If fertility is severely impaired, IVF or ICSI treatment is considered. The chances of success here are 20 to 35 percent per treatment attempt. After several treatments, around 60 to 80 percent of couples become pregnant.