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Fertiprotect: Preservation of fertility during cancer therapy to protect fertility before medical treatments that damage germ cells.

“Fertility protection” or “fertiprotection” is a term that refers to the protection of fertility preservation from medical treatments that damage germ cells. Although many malignant diseases can be cured permanently thanks to advances in tumor therapy, tumor treatments such as chemotherapy or radiation therapy led to reduced fertility or even an early loss of ovarian or testicular function, depending on the age of those affected. Young people in particular who have not yet completed their family planning are affected by the risk of reduced fertility and are looking for options for later parenthood and the realization of their desire to have children.


The following fertility protection procedures are most commonly used:


  • Freezing unfertilized or fertilized eggs
  • Ovarian tissue collection
  • Sperm cryopreservation
  • Cryopreservation of testicular tissue
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